How to clean your mud covered pet

Melting snow, lots of rain, warmer temperatures - all mean one thing: it's mud time. And that could mean your dog's favourite walking route is now a muddy trail, ending in dirty paws and a mud-covered coat. Or perhaps even worse, your backyard will become a sea of mud through which your dog runs merrily up and down. We've got some tips and tricks for making your dog mud-free - until the next walk.

Get rid of the excess mud

If you see more mud than dog, the first step is to remove most of the mud with a towel or a piece of cloth you no longer need. This will help to reduce the bulk of the mud collected. If your dog isn’t that muddy, you can use a dog wipe, baby wipe or something similar to clean paws and other muddy body areas.

Dry, comb and ruffle it

One of the best ways to remove mud from your dog’s coat is to do nothing. If you let the mud dry, it can be easier (and less messy) to comb out later. If the weather is right, your backyard is an ideal place to dry your dog, but you can also use an easy-to-clean and enclosed interior space in your home instead. Once the mud has dried, brush it out. Some dogs will also shake off dry dirt and you can thus skip the use of the brush.

When bathing is the only option

Sometimes there’s no other choice but to bathe. Make sure the bath water is lukewarm, as hot water can irritate your dog’s skin, especially if it has sensitive skin. Soak its coat and skin thoroughly, then massage the shampoo through its fur. Make sure you use a shampoo made especially for dogs or pets and certainly not your own. Dog skin has a different pH than human skin, so the composition of the shampoo is different. Shampoo for humans can dry out you’r pet’s skin, especially if it is sensitive. Human shampoo is non-toxic to dogs, so you can use it in an emergency, but it is not recommended for regular use.

Rinse the shampoo very thoroughly, as shampoo residues can irritate the dog’s skin, then dry it with a towel or hairdryer in a warm place if the dog’s skin is not sensitive and it can tolerate the noise of the hairdryer.

Head to the dog grooming salon!

If you don’t want to mess up the bathroom or the situation is so bad that you can’t clean your dog at home, book an appointment with us!

At our salon, we bathe dogs using premium quality shampoo appropriate for your dog’s coat type and color, then dry and comb it out using two different machines.

Success is guaranteed and you’ll return home with a fresh- smelling, renewed-looking dog!

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